Dort aufgewachsen, we fall in love across the border. 15 minutes in the West, and man is “drüben”, da wo – so oder so ähnlich – everything is better? Die Eltern lebten im Sperrgebiet, Passierscheine were beihnen Alltag, FDJ and SED bis heute unbeliebte Abkürzungen. The last of the Grenznähe goes no further than a daycare center. I am of the opinion: If you are a human, not the Herkunft. East, West? Kein Wort darüber, weder in der Erziehung noch am Küchentisch.

Dennoch spürte man as a youth the invisible Border. Went man in the small hessischen Stadt Eschwege feiern, both the “Wessis”, gab es Spitzen: “Both sit at the Money locker.” Or: “The desired Schnösel.” There was no handfester Konflikt, no wirkliche Trennung – aber es schwang always with, Gern auch mal nach ein, zwei Beer in the Kirmes. A first attempt at disbelief, which does not really have a good power and is the heute der Grund, is now no heißt: in the West.

West German über Thuringia: “That man will come back, everything Nazis”

The operation of the device with the reactivation often started first, but the theme expanded. Before my war in Berlin, der Hauptstadt – a Metropole, gets a Stück Kuchen, dessen Bruchstellen to his heute sight since. Fast 35 Jahre nach dem Mauerval It appears that the difference in gear work has become more presentable. Selbst wer zuvor bereits in Westen studyrte, spürt in Berlin die Spaltung mit besonderer Schärfe. Kaum wird die Thuringische Heimat erwähnt, das Mitleid unvermeidlich.

Often it is a problem, the Eastern European pause and problem solving as a “problematic” problem. “Oh, du Arme” is a sentence, a Satz, that is more about the Sprecher than about the Ostend themselves. And the next day follows the Fuße: “That man will not come back, all Nazis.” This stop is not Seltenheit, a mirror that broadens a strong sitzende Abwertung, which is so consistent with the historical Gräben. And then it is true that the revaluation is an unacceptable make-up in the package.

The “Isar Valley” in Munich locks with Siemens, BMW and Co.

Fortschritte is zweifellos. Dennoch blew the economic landscape between East and West, gravitating. Die Pro-Kopf-Wirtschaftsleistung In the East German Bundesländern, Germany is below the West: Thuringia was worth about 35,000 euros to Kopf in 2023, Saxony 38,000 – Bayern turned over more than 57,000 euros.

The next steps are unbelievably impossible. In Munich spricht man stollz vom „Isar Valley“, Heimat global agierender Konzerne wie Siemens, BMW and Allianz. Dresden must become an Anschluss with the “Silicon Saxony”. But proud high-tech companies with Globalfoundries can use the economical Strahlkraft-borderzt. The region is seeing lower global growth and international investment in the West German country. Laut agree Analyze des Wirtschaftsdienstes – een Fachzeitschrift voor Wirtschaft und Politik – fehlen dem Osten Stand 2020 nor 45 Billionen Euro un Investitionen, um de Kapitalausstattung anzugleichen.

There is a culture that says Diskrepanz works. Nur zwölf Prozent der Spitzenpositionen in Politik, Wirtschaft oder Medien were von Ostdeutschen besetzt – ihr Anteil an der Bevölkerung liegt bij etwa 20 Prozent. Netzwerke, Kapitalkraft, Einfluss: All fehlt.

If the maker explains, it is not an Ursache, it is an Auswirkung – and the perspective may be better. It is a reality, the multifaceted power, where the young people strive for the Western, Dorthin, Wohlstand and Möglichkeiten greater shine.

It is a Chancen, a Horizonte. Westdeutsche Familien spoke to von Verwandten in den USAvon Brüdern in Australianvon Tanten in Finland. With a ruling Thuringian Lake, with Eltern from demselben Dorf, you would have a big cousin, who could use a playraum for the über-regional contact act. Ehemaliges Sperrgebiet, no vitamin B, no synergies, which promote nutrition. The system works in the small east – marginalizes – and works into a real fortress in Teilen.

Der Osten en das ewige Jammern

Erfurt and Jena Although the city may perform better, but the Strahlkraft comes from Mainz or Bremen in the West – respectable, will probably be the first Wahl. The oft-described potential of Oosten is undescribed. Would it be so? Those young generations? Above the Jentower or above the Highlight Towers in Munich – the Divergenz is clearly visible. The ant herb in the fragment, where the horizon is larger, is very fast on its own.

Once the potential of the East is greater, it will fall into a Kreislauf from Jammern and Vindication – the West has become lighter, making East unreliable. Of course, it is true that a person has a certain arrogance and ignorance in the East German countries, if the West German class falls into the second class of the herabic countries. The complaint is justified in Teilen. Schließlich must adapt the people from the East to a completely new system after the Wende, build different structures and learn a lot from the ground in a new way – a reformation that cannot be expected of the West German. If you are lost in the Klage, show the others a new Schritte, come on. A scheinbar endloser Walk, while I part in front of the Fortschritt.

“Dream big, go west.” Goodbye, Osten. Not from Trotz, not from Verbitterung, even if I wait, more will: Netzwerke, Wohlstand, Perspektiven. If the warmth in the brain and the view of a tomorrow is greater, this is more an example of a family in Grenzen.

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